Within Word Stage
ages 6-12, spell short vowels correctly and experiment with long vowels, stop fingerpointing, silent reading |
Objectives |
long vowel patterns of single syllable words |
students use teacher-made sorts |
homographs and homophones |
less frequent vowel patterns: oi, ow, ou |
Examples |
(cattle) |
chais, chase
flote, float
catel, catol |
Activities |
Encourage students to use their best phonetic spelling |
Have students develop personal dictionaries. |
Have students identify their own problem words |
Have students act as spelling editors for each other. |
Word Study Notebooks |
Word Hunt (Newspaper) |
Variations on Jeopardy, Uno and Scattergories |
Sorts |
- Long-vowel picture/word sorts
- Short/long-vowel word sorts
- Vowel-blend word sorts.
- Vowel Patterns: CVC, CVVC
Take and Make Activity |
Train Station Game (p. 259-260, Bear, Templeton, Invernizzi, and Johnston) |
Walters & Kehus, 1998