Letter Name Stage
(Semi Phonetic-Gentry)
(Early Phonetic-Beers)
ages 5-9, students begin to read and write in conventional ways, have ability to segment words into sounds, tracking print is prevalent, word-by-word readers |
Objectives |
develop fluency |
work with known words (word banks) |
influences on vowels: w, l, and r |
consonant blends and digraphs |
preconsonantal nasals: n and m |
Examples |
(chase) |
d, b, bd
p, s, sp
a, c, cs |
Middle and Late
sep, shep
cas, chas |
Activities |
Focus on word families with different initial consonants. |
Sorts |
- Begin with picture sorts and how pictures sound alike at the beginning.
- After initial-consonant word sorts, move on to final consonant word sorts.
- Begin consonant-blend picture/word sorts.
- Begin contrasting consonant/consonant-blend word sorts
- Begin short-vowel picture/word sorts.
- Begin consonant-digraph word sorts.
- Begin contrasting consonant/consonant-digraph word sorts.
- Beginning/Ending Sort: book/tub
Activities |
Word Hunts |
Alphabetizing with alphabet strips |
Word Wheels |
Word Maker Cards |
Boggle |
Take and Make Activity |
Word Maker Game |
Walters & Kehus, 1998