
Room 175, Berkley High School
(248) 837-8199
Room 212, Center for the Advanced Studies and the Arts
Currently teaching Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition, English 9-2 and Directed Study in English: Women's Literature at BHS and Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition at CASA (Center for Advanced Studies and the Arts)
Have taught English 9-2, English 11-1 Honors , English 11-2, and English 10-2 at Berkley High School as well as Literature of the 60's at CASA
Former teacher (12 years) of Language Arts and Editor of The Norup Insider, a bi-weekly school newspaper published by 8th graders at Norup Middle School in Berkley , Oakland County, Michigan
Doctor of Philosohpy, Reading Education

Doctoral of Philosophy in Reading and Language Arts Education (minor in writing) at Oakland University , Rochester, MI
Graduate of Michigan State University
Bachelor of Arts in English, with minors in psychology and art history
Secondary Provisional Teaching Certificate
Master of Arts in Curriculum and Teaching(MACT)
Vita (in .pdf format)
CoFounder, webmaster & researcher 
TeenLit.com is a private not-for-profit web site currently funded and administered by two secondary teachers in Southeast Michigan.
The sole purpose of TeenLit.com is to promote Teen Literacy by providing a forum for teen writers to publish and discuss their writing, review and discuss books they read, and to provide a resource for their teachers.
TeenLit.com is also a research site for these teachers to investigate the efficacy of the World Wide Web in facilitating Teen Literacy in the above-mentioned ways by examining the interchanges that occur through this venue.