
July 1999 Newsletter

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TeenLit.com Newsletter #4
July/August 1999

Hot Summer for Publishing
July has been our most active publishing month yet!  This month's writing includes 32 poems, 4 short stories, and 2 essays.  Keep up the great work!  The Teen Writers Discussion bulletin board has been pretty active, too.  Stop in soon & read what's going on.

Artwork Needed
If you've been to the site lately (and we certainly hope you have), you'll notice there's a great graphic on the splash page.  That art work was done by Laura B. a 9th grader in Berkley, Michigan.  Great work, Laura.  We'd like to change this splash graphic once a month or so, so we need your original art work.  Be sure your art is in .gif or .jpg format for the web and keep it under 20 kb please.  We'd be happy to see your graphic ideas for the splash page or other areas of TeenLit.com.  You might even want to consider designing a new logo to be used on the site or other TeenLit.com merchandise (t-shirt, mouse pad, book marks, etc.).  If you'd like to submit a graphic for our consideration, send it to .

Didn't get published?
Don't worry.  Revise, revise, revise.  And try again, soon.  We're working on adding to our Writers Workshop area (https://teenlit.com/workshop), too, so visit there for some great tips on improving your writing.  And, in the words of our editor, "Please know that we can only publish a portion of the work submitted to our site and that this does not mean your piece of writing isn't good or that you aren't a good writer; it just means the particular piece you submitted this time would need further work before we can publish it on the TeenLit.com web site."

Changes and New Additions
Lots of new links added.  Visit https://teenlit.com/coolinks.htm to see what's been added.
You might have noticed that we've added a "I am 13 or older" qualifier to all the interactive places on our web site (email list, Teen Writers Discussion bulletin board, & submission form).  In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Act, we are requesting information only from those 13 years or older.  After all, it's TeenLit.com, right?
Our new privacy policy tells it all at https://teenlit.com/policy.htm.  We've also registered our content with RSACi (Recreational Software Advisory Council on the Internet, http://www.rsac.org/homepage.asp) to guarantee our content to be viewable by all ages.

eWeb - For our most active members
We've recently added a new feature for our most active members only called eWeb.  eWeb is basically a private, non-anonymous space on the Web where these members can work seriously on their writing with other TeenLit members in chat, discussion postings, and a forum area.  If you're a dedicated TeenLit.com member who visits at least once a week, has at least one piece of writing published on our site, and have been a contributor to the Teen Writers Discussion bulletin board, then you may want to join eWeb.  For more information, visit https://teenlit.com/eweb  Remember, this is for serious dedicated members only, as space is limited to a maximum of 15 students. 

Support the TeenLit.com web site & its dedication to Teen writing and literacy by visiting our sponsors.  If you place an online order with Amazon.com or Levenger.com from our site, 5-15% of the proceeds will go toward funding the site (domain name, hosting, software, design, etc.).  Start by going to https://teenlit.com/shop for books or go to Levenger (Tools for serious readers) at http://levenger.com/teenlit.asp.  Also, if you've got a great book list for teens and or teachers, we'd love to publish it.  You can send your list (preferably organized by theme) to .

Opt Out Option
If you'd like to be removed from this mailing list or have your writing or bulletin board posting removed, please visit https://teenlit.com/optout.htm or email the .


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