A joke, really, to trick about my language when I'm trying to help you with your language, and in that context, it's considerably more important than an idiot to raunch about making accusations, idiosyncrosities, and hypocrisies. WHAT???? What fame? I'm reading it I know what all the 25cent words mean, their some of my favs, I'm not understanding the last paragraph of your post. Sorry.
Sayonara is japanese for farewell. My japanese teacher said that every one know 'sayonara' but never use it, they use 'mate ne' meaning 'see you later', they very rarely use 'sayonara'. He said sayonara was like what he said to his friends and japan when he left the country after 5 years there to return to the states, 2 monthes ago.
"A poem is energy transferred from where the poet got it...by way of the poem itself to, all the way over to, the reader."
~Charles Olson
"Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard, and poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen."
~Leonardo daVinci
"Poetry is the revelation of a feeling that the poet believes to be interior and personal but which the reader recognizes as his own."
~Salvatore Quasimodo