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Old 10-20-2007, 11:55 AM   #1
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Default What am I doing?

As I was screaming, my lungs puffed out, I suddenly stopped and stared at the slits on my wrist. What was I doing? Trying to give up life, just because My parent were splitting up, my boyfriend dumping me because I was too much to handle? I should be grateful of what I have. I'm smart, pretty, great personality. I have legs, arms, a face. I feel my cheeks, my eyes, my mouth. I suddenly feel a cold feeling rushing around my body as I feel a huge cut on either side of my mouth, as if I was trying to cut my mouth off. I suddenly hear a slam from my door opening and hitting the wall. "Abbey?!?!?!?! What the hell did you do to yourself?!?!?" My mom is screaming. "I don't know." I whisper, "Well, actually, I do. I tried to cut my mouth off, kill myself by slitting my wrists, and..." I quickly check my body for any other cuts, "That's it." That's it. Thats it..... I don't deserve a life like this. I don't deserve intellegence, prettyness, and a great personality. I dont deserve legs, arms, and a face. I quickly take the small knife in my hand and stab it into my heart. My last words, what should I say. "What did I do?" I whisper to my mom, who is holding my head, "What did I do."

Just A story I just made up.
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Old 10-20-2007, 02:46 PM   #2
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I liked it but it seemed a bit cliché.
Also, why did she keep commenting on the fact that she had arms and legs?
Other than that, good job.

"It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."
-J.K. Rowling
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Old 10-21-2007, 09:52 AM   #3
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I was commenting about her arms and legs because she was so grateful. (weird, i know) and I know it is cliche, i just felt like a story like that.
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Old 10-21-2007, 02:19 PM   #4
Resalucag Higenle
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YAY i like it
Carry on with your lactose-packed child soup. There's nothing to see here.
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