From Words Their Way (p. 75-77, Bear, Templeton, Invernizzi, and Johnston)
Look for what students use but confuse |
A step backward is a step forward |
Use words students can read |
Compare words that do with words that don't |
Sort by sight and sound |
Begins with obvious contrasts first |
Don't hide exceptions |
Avoid rules |
Work for automaticity |
Return to meaningful texts |
According to Spelling Research and Information (Hammond & Cramer, p. 78)
Encourage invented spelling |
Focus on meaning |
Teach spelling |
More specifically, teach:
Spelling Patterns |
Spelling Structure Rules |
Spelling and Meaning Relationships |
Developing Spelling Consciousness |
Spelling Strategies |
Most Commonly Misspelled Words |
In Spel . . . is a four-letter Word (Gentry, p. 28)
Teach spelling as part of the whole curriculum. |
Have children write frequently. |
Encourage children to invent spellings for words they may not have learned to spell. |
De-emphasize correctness, memorization, and writing mechanics. |
Respond to children's writing in ways that help them discover more about spelling. |