Gentry's Monster List
1. monster
2. united
3. dress
4. bottom
5. hiked
6. human
7. eagle
8. closed
9. bumped
10. type
Elementary Spelling Inventory
(p. 46, Bear, Templeton, Invernizzi, and Johnston)
- bed
- ship
- drive
- bump
- when
- train
- closet
- chase
- float
- beaches
- preparing
- popping
- cattle
- caught
- inspection
- puncture
- cellar
- pleasure
- squirrel
- fortunate
Upper Level Spelling Inventory
(p. 54, Bear, Templeton, Invernizzi, and Johnston)
- confusion
- pleasure
- resident
- puncture
- confidence
- fortunate
- decorator
- opposition
- prosperity
- succession
- emphasize
- correspond
- commotion
- propellant
- hilarious
- criticize
- indictment
- reversible
- category
- adjourn
- excerpt
- camouflage