
Writers Workshop

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Writers References
Writing Tips
Horrid Writers Block
Show, Don't Tell
Revising Tips
Quotes & Dialog
Advanced Punctuation
Publishing Criteria
Poetry Writing Tips
English is so tricky...
Editing Marks
Confused Words
Avoiding Cliches

Your Online Writers Toolbox

Writers Reference Desk Dictionaries, grammar guides, name & setting resources, and more
Publishing Criteria TeenLit.com's publishing criteria
Editing Marks graphic of standard proofreading marks
Poetry Writing Tips top ten ways to better poems
General Writing Tips the top 4 ways to improve writing
Journalism Framed resources for news, sports, entertainment & more
Avoid Cliches the biggest difference between okay and very good writing
Rhyme Is rhyme necessary?
Dialog & Using Quotation Marks rules & examples for using quotation marks, especially within dialog
Confused Words words that are often misspelled for proper usage
Spelling Ode to the Spell Checker
Show, Don't Tell how to really write for your reader
Punctuation how and when to use advanced punctuation marks
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