Poetry Essay
Breakroom Ramblings

Death must begin with life.
Life must end with Death.
Womb gives awy to cradle.
Cradle gives way to bed.
Bed gives way to coffin.
Coffin gives way to earth.
Death, life, nothingness.
Everything is virtually the same.
Sanity breeds insanity.
Who knows what sanity is?
Maybe "sane" people are
Truly insane, and define
What they are as sanity,
When in reality, they aren't
Sane, but truly insane.
Maybe the "insane" people see
The world as it really is,
While we "sane" people are blind to it.
Like babies in a cradle,
Unaware of the next step in our evolution.

11th Grader
Mount Airy, NC


10 people look around not a smile on their face,
We've practiced hard to run, shoot, and "fly" with grace,
Our jerseys are stinky, and our shoes have lost their squeak,
On our team 4 girls look tough, but the 5th looks meek,
The ten seconds of overtime hasn't started, but the crowd is already starting to roar,
They want us the home team to raise the score,
The whistle blows, both girls have jumped,
Still none of us are really that pumped,
The tension is high while we guard our posts,
We've been trying to play good since we are the hosts,
One girl named Tera goes in for a shot,
She's usually on fire, but tonight shes not that hot,
With a loud thunk the ball bounces off the bright orange rim,
The meek girl rebounds it and starts to look a little grim,
She aims for the basket, and makes a little wish,
The basketball goes through the net with a swish!
The buzzer sounds and the little girl grins,
Because of her, the hometeam wins!!

8th Grader
Newell, SD

My Heart

Someone there to make it stone cold
no one there to make it warm
Someone there to hurt it
no one there to cure it
Someone there to push it away
no one there to reach out for it
Someone there to crush its hopes
no one there to make it better
Someone there to hate it
no one there to love it
Someone there to ignore its feelings
no one there to pay attention to its feelings
Someone there to hurt its feelings
no one there to make the pain go away
Someone there to harm it
no one there to keep it safe
Someone there to ignore its hunger
no one there to calm its hunger
Someone there to worry it
no one there to calm it down
Someone there to keep it small
no one there to help it grow
Someone there to make fun of it
no one there to defend it
Someone there to teach it to hate
no one there to teach it to love
Someone there to ridicule it
no one there for it to reach out to
Someone there to ignore it
no one there to listen to it
Someone there to care for all but it
no  one there to care for it
Someone there to play pranks on it
no one there to worry about it
Someone there to concern it
no one there to fill it with tranquility
Someone there for it to hate
no one there for it to care about
Someone there trying not to love it
No one there for it to love
Someone there trying not to be
no one there who actually wants to be
Someone there not caring for it
no one there for it to care about
Someone there concerning it
no one there for it to worry about

7th Grader
Las Vegas, NV

Her Light

Wondering around
In darkness
Looking for light
Looking for love
In a world filled with hate
Shadowed in blackness
Afraid to step forward
I may fall
And never see your light agian
Darkness surrounds me
Here I wait
For someone to flip on the switch

Dedicated to Emily

10th Grader
Grand Bend, Ontario, CA

The Gift of Independence:  A Privilege, A Responsibility

    Our independence was a gift to us by our ancestors. Unlike other gifts,
the price they had to pay for it was for all eternity. People such as Jose
Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo had given their all in a white
flame of sacrifice on the altar of their nation. They lived, suffered and
died for their noble cause, knowing that they might never again see the
next sunrise. Still, they fought on.
    Andres Bonifacio had said: "In the fury of your struggle, some of you
might die in the midst of battle, but this is a n honor that will be a legacy to our race and our progeny." Together with Jose Rizal and countless others, their words of inspiration fill our minds and hearts like blood clots of revelation from the wounds of humanity. They, like many others answered the call of our native land, the call of freedom. We should look back on the glories of the past with profound pride, remembering the sacrifices as we till the fields that have soaked up blood from countless battles, as we idly cruise through cities that stood witnesses to the marks of history and as we look upon the faces of our fellowmen, knowing that it is for them they fought. Lives were lost all throughout the dark moments of history and yet, these moments are the ones that have further strengthened our patriotic love for the motherland.  Our independence is tempered by a responsibility. This responsibility calls for all of us to work hand in hand to make sure that the efforts of the heroes behind our liberation will not be in vain.   Because of our freedom, we are now of a mind to make our own personality as Filipinos. We shoulder the responsibility of creating our own history to add to the golden pages of time.
    Some say that the age of heroism is past. But if we observe closely, we will notice that at one time or another, someone, somewhere is bringing new meaning to the name FILIPINO. We will all stand firm, fighting for God and country. After all, for what greater or nobler cause is there than to fight for the ashes of our fathers and the temples of our gods. An age without a name is equal to one hour of sweet liberty.
The Philippines is no longer an obscure blot on the map. We have taken the test of time and won as the Centennial Celebration has doubtless proven.  The Philippines is enjoying a century of independence, but we must also move out of the past and into the hands of the new generation. 
Our country is a work in progress. As citizens of this country, we should do all we can to help. The people ARE the nation and it is up to us to keep the torch of freedom burning.

9th Grader
QC, MM, Phillipines


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