Marcella J. Kehus


Research Assistant, 1998 - present
Oakland University         Rochester, Michigan
Responsibilities include data collection, management, and analysis for the Re-Engaging Low-Achieving Readers Project, Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Instruction (CIERA).  Leadership in professional development activities and maintenance of a three-node network, Teachers Learning Collaborative.  Participation as a Teacher-in-Residence, network for teacher inquiry sponsored through the Walgreen Foundation and CIERA, University of Michigan.

University Teaching, 1995-present
Oakland University            Rochester, Michigan
Reading 414:  Reading Appraisal in the Elementary Classroom
Reading 530D:  Book Club Workshop

Language Arts Teacher, 1987-present

Berkley School District   Berkley, Michigan

§     Teacher of Middle School Language Arts and Journalism

§     Creator and Sponsor of middle school Writers Club

§     Member of School Improvement Committee

§     Member of Language Arts Curriculum Committee

§     Numerous in-district in-services including Process Writing, Writing across the Content Areas, Classroom Management, and Book Club


Ph. D. Reading 1995 - May, 2000, Oakland University, Rochester, MI

Dissertation:  A Virtual Community of Adolescent Writers

This case study of a group of adolescent writers explored their use of language, literacy knowledge, and technology in creating and sustaining a discourse community on the World Wide Web.


Master of Arts in Curriculum and Teaching, 1989 - 1993, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

§     Thesis consisted of integrating Michigan's Language Arts standards within all academic content areas for district-wide literacy curriculum.


Bachelor of Arts, English, Secondary Education, 1983-1987, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

§     Graduate of Multiple Perspectives teacher education program



Michigan Reading Association Conference
March, 1998         Grand Rapids, MI
Integrating Spelling and Word Study in a Whole Language Classroom

Michigan Reading Association Conference
March, 1999         Grand Rapids, MI
Middle School Book Club:  Engaging Adolescents in Conversations about Literature

Michigan Reading Association Conference
March, 1999         Grand Rapids, MI
Co-Presenter:  CIERA - Work in Progress:  "Book Club Plus:  A Collaborative Project to Develop Balanced Literacy Instruction Using Genre-Based Curriculum and Internet Technology"

International Reading Association
May, 1999            San Diego, CA  An Online Forum for Student Literacy and Teacher Exchange

National Reading Conference
December, 1999         Orlando, FL
Symposium:  "Reconciling the Cognitive and the Social in Conceptualizing Literacy Processes"
Paper:  Genre Knowledge as Writers Schema

National Reading Conference
December, 1999         Orlando, FL
Paper session:  "Adolescent Literacies, Representations and Identities"
Paper:  A Virtual Discourse Community of Adolescent Writers

National Reading Conference
December, 1999         Orlando, FL
Co-author:  A Comparison of Running Records to Other Assessment Tools for Purposes of Determining Reading Levels and Administration Time

Rochester Community Schools
May, 1999          Rochester, MI
Co-presenter:  Book Club Plus:  Differentiated Instruction for elementary through middle school  students.

Michigan Reading Association
March, 2000          Detroit, MI
Online Publishing for Secondary Student Writers:  Policies, Procedures, and Possibilities

Michigan Reading Association
March, 2000          Detroit, MI
Co-presenter:  The Teaching Learning Collaborative:  Linking Communities of Practice

International Reading Association
May, 2000         Indianapolis, IN
Co-presenter:  Research Awards Address

International Reading Association
May, 2000         Indianapolis, IN
Co-presenter:  CIERA (Center for the Improvement of Early Reading Achievement) Teacher Network:  CIERA Teacher Researchers:  Autobiography Book Club Plus
Roundtable:  Middle School Book Clubs


The Book Club Plus Network (1999).  What counts as teacher research?:  An essay.  Language Arts, 77(1), 48-52.

Sue, the T-rex, (informational text for middle school readers).  Field Museum of Natural History. (1999) Chicago, IL.


Doctoral student guest reviewer for Reading Research Quarterly, 2000
Reviewer for Research in the Teaching of English, 2000
Reviewer of NRC 2000 conference proposals

Webmaster, various web sites including faculty (e.g.,, personal literacy site ( and webmaster services ( )

Webmaster, ( ):  Site for publishing adolescent writing as well as space for interactions around their own writing, a writers workshop, links, and teacher resources.