Middle School
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WHEREAS, the period of early adolescence (10-15) is a distinct, developmental period between childhood and full adolescence; and

WHEREAS, this period has been little understood nor its importance recognized; and

WHEREAS, youth between the ages of approximately 10-15 undergo more extensive physical, mental, social, moral, and emotional changes, with the possible exception of infancy, than at any other time of life; and

WHEREAS, the attitudes and values young adolescents develop during these formative years largely determine their later behavior; and

WHEREAS, parents continue as primary models and guides, even as young adolescents give increased attention to the peer group; and

WHEREAS, the community itself is also a "classroom" in which young adolescents learn many lessons; and

WHEREAS, much valuable information and research about this important age group now exists and should be circulated;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that October be declared the Month of the Young Adolescent; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all of us who are engaged in the lives of young adolescents join the celebration by extending our knowledge about these critical years and undertake actions that will support the healthy development of young adolescents everywhere.

taken from Walt Grebing, President, National Middle School Association


according to "This We Believe," National Middle School Association, 1992

  1. Educators knowledgeable about and committed to young adolescents
  2. A balanced curriculum based on the needs of young adolescents
  3. A range of organizational arrangements
  4. Varied instructional strategies
  5. A full exploratory program
  6. Comprehensive advising and counseling
  7. Continual progress for students
  8. Evaluation procedures compatible with the nature of young adolescents
  9. Cooperative planning
  10. Positive school climate


according to "This We Believe," National Middle School Association, 1992

  1. Educators knowledgeable about and committed to young adolescents
  2. A balanced curriculum based on the needs of young adolescents
  3. A range of organizational arrangements
  4. Varied instructional strategies
  5. A full exploratory program
  6. Comprehensive advising and counseling
  7. Continual progress for students
  8. Evaluation procedures compatible with the nature of young adolescents
  9. Cooperative planning
  10. Positive school climate

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