
Cofounder & Senior Advisor

Assistant Professor, Literacy Education
Judith Herb College of Education
The University of Toledo


18-year veteran English and Language Arts teacher Berkley School District

Editor of a bi-weekly school newspaper published by 8th graders @ Norup Middle School
Interim Instructor of undergraduate & graduate courses for teachers in the Reading and Language Arts Dept at Oakland University and at Michigan State University’s Department of Teacher Education


Ph. D. in Reading and Language Arts, Oakland University

Michigan State University
Graduate of Multiple Perspectives program at Michigan State University , 1987.
Bachelor of Arts, English
Masters of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction
Provisional MI Teaching Certificate
* 9-12 English major and certification
* Art History & Psychology minors w/ 9-12 certification
* 7-8 all subject certification;
Professional Memberships and Conferences
International Reading Association National Council of Teachers of English
American Educational Research Association
National Association for Multicultural Education
Mother of Kyle (born in 1990), Haley (born in 1993), and Emma (born in 1997)
Married to Jim, a Finn Electrician
Other Interests

Certified instructor of First Aid and CPR

Published writer, amateur fly-caster wayward guitar player ,
and wannabe golfer
Owner of a 1964 Corvair Monza Convertible 