Making sense of the Reading Act
"From the standpoint of the child, the great waste in school comes from his inability to utilize the experiences he gets outside of school in any complete and free way; while, on the other hand, he is unable to apply in daily life what he is learning in school" _____________________, _________
Concepts of Reading Use and enjoyment of Reading Reading is an act of communication Comprehension vs. word calling Visual acuity Visual discrimination Grapheme Auditory acuity Auditory discrimination Phoneme Phonemic awareness Phonemic segmentation Morpheme Schemata Direct & vicarious experience Eye movement (regression, left-to-right, top-to-bottom, sweeping) Syntactic cues Learning to read vs. reading to learn Affective aspects of reading: interest, attitude, self-concept, identification Theories of Reading Subskill Theory says, "Reading= set of interrelated subskills"
Master subskills, them move on to larger skills, and after mastery, then integrate these into "real reading"
Though word rec. accounts for up to 50% of variability in reading performance, decoding is only one skill Need to contextualize skills in actual reading
Fluent readers decode automatically (automaticity = ability to perform a task with little attention) and can focus attention on comprehension
Interactive Theory says, "Reading is a combination of top-down and bottom-up parallel processing."
Top-down = begins with reader and overarching meaning
Bottom-up = begins with text and decoding (smaller units to bigger)
Transactive Theory says, "Meaning resides in the interaction between the text and the reader" ___________________________________________________________ efferent aesthetic
Readers select the fewest, most productive cues necessary to produce guesses which are right the first time (Goodman)." Cues = semantic, syntactic, graphophonic Miscues = graphically dissimilar, semantically or syntactically unacceptable, or meaning changing q Learner centered q Teacher roles: kidwatcher, initiator & mediator of learning experiences, curriculum developer, knowledgeable decision maker, more knowledgeable other q Functional language q Language is central to all learning q Emphasis on comprehension q Whole literature selections q No pre-packaged materials q Students making choices, self-evaluating & taking responsibility q Sharing ideas & products publicly q Phonics & other skill instruction within reading and writing q Children's literature q Collaborative learning q Sustained silent reading (of choice books) q Journal writing q Read aloud q Literature circles, book clubs, or other small group lit. disc. q Thematic planning q Project work q Student-made books q Portfolio assessment |
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