The following guidelines are meant to help you search for and find relevant theory (underlying beliefs), research (what has been proven true), and practice (teaching strategies, suggestions, observations, etc.) related to your inquiry question(s).

These are only directions.  Do not attempt to use the forms on these directions pages as they are only examples.

1.  Begin by going to the ERIC database

2.  Use keywords (such as guided reading and assessment) that relate to your topic. 
You may use up to three keywords, the more specific the better in narrowing the number of references you receive.

Term 1: Search by:
Term 2: Search by:
Term 3: Search by:

Search year: through:

3.  Click "Submit." 

A verification screen will appear saying:

Your query is

(guided reading) AND (assessment)

Please hit Submit if this is correct, otherwise, use your browser's back arrow and update your selections.

4.  Click submit again

A list of articles and other documents containing your keywords will appear

20 documents found (20 returned) for query : (guided reading) AND (assessment)
Score Document Title
530 ED409530. . Guiding Reading Instruction Using CBA. . 1993
509 ED232025. Beal, Janice. Reading across the Vocational Education Curriculum. A Practical Manual for Instructors. . 1982
509 EJ299700. Saski, Jim, Carter, Jade. Effective Reading Instruction for Mildly Handicapped Adolescents. Teaching Exceptional Children; v16 n3 p162-66 Spr 1984. 1984

5.  Click on the hypertext document number, such as EJ299700 from above to read a full abstract of that article.

ERIC_NO: EJ299700
TITLE: Effective Reading Instruction for Mildly Handicapped Adolescents.
AUTHOR: Saski, Jim, Carter, Jade
JOURNAL_CITATION: Teaching Exceptional Children; v16 n3 p162-66 Spr 1984
ABSTRACT: A psycholinguistic approach to reading instruction for mildly handicapped adolescents, emphasizing meaning rather than discrete reading skills, may include such assessment techniques as modified miscue analysis and informal reading inventories and such instructional alternatives as guided reading, previewing, and study strategies. (CL)
DESCRIPTORS: Adolescents; *Mild Disabilities; *Psycholinguistics; *Reading Diagnosis; *Reading Instruction

6.  If this article (EJ) or document (ED) sounds like it would be useful, copy the information by either copying & pasting into a word processing file to print later.
EJ indicates an article journal which can be in some library.
ED indicates an unpublished document available for a fee from the ERIC Document Reproduction Services
If you find a reference that looks "on target" for your inquiry project, look at the DESCRIPTORS in its abstract and do another search using these as keywords.

7.  Otherwise, use the BACK key to return to the list of possible references.

8.  Eventually, you should have a list of books, articles, and other documents that cover your area of inquiry, including some research, theory, and practice.  Though there is no magical number of articles, 2 of each of these three types (i.e. six articles) would be a sufficient start.

9.  A literature review is a section of a paper, here your inquiry project, that covers the main theory, research, and practice related to your inquiry question.  Be sure to use APA citing format (name, year) and full bibliographical information in your list of references. 
See Chapter 5, "The Legacy of Distant Teachers:  Creative Review of the Literature," in The Art of Classroom Inquiry for more guidance.

For an example, go to Kehus' lit. review (a bit more extensive than yours needs to be).

4-6 pages, including your page of references, should be sufficient for this phase of your inquiry project.

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