TE 802 Inquiry Project

Grades:  first 3 pieces = 10% each, final product = 20%

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Problem Statement and Description (due October 4th / 5th )

            After much observation and writing, try framing your problem as an open-ended question (How?  What?).  Include what observations and wonderings let you to this question or problem and what your current theorizing about it is.

            Include a description of your context along with your problem statement that includes as much information as you can gather regarding:  your group of students, the school, and the community.  Areas of interest might include the age range of your students, ratio of boys/girls, ethnic diversity, socio-economic factors, family dynamics, local area's points of interests, general tone of classroom, teaching and management style of mentor teacher, etc.

Draft of Plan of Action/Design ( due October 11th / 12th)  (for sharing, discussion, & feedback; no grade)

Considering your question:  1)  What data will you collect?  2)  How will you collect it; and, 3)  How do you plan to analyze this data?

Literature Review (due November 8th / 9th)

            Using the ERIC database, professional journal articles and other reference materials, review the major theorizing and research findings in your area of interest.  Include full citations and bibliographical information.

Design (due December 6th / 7th)

            In light of your literature review and the feedback given on your drafted plan of action, finalize your design in terms of data collection and analysis, with predictions of how you might present the results in final form.

Final Product (due April 25th / 26th):  A final presentation of your Inquiry Project should include a poster to present as well as individual handouts summarizing your question, research design (data collection & analysis), literature review, and your findings.

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