Emergent Literacy Emergent literacy vs. readiness Emergent literacy = Children know a great deal about language as they enter school and this awareness continues to develop, building on oral fluency and developing written fluency
Cognitive Development (Piaget) During the intuitive phase of the preoperational stage, children begin symbolic thought Still egotistical & can't use adult logic Demonstrate syntactic/grammatical awareness, but can't state rules (lack metalinkguistic awareness) "Developmentally appropriate"
Thought & Language (Vygotsky) Spontaneous vs. scientific concepts Zone of proximal development Scaffolding Learning takes place within a social sphere
Characteristics of good emergent literacy classroom q Print-rich environment (charts, labels, displayed books, published writing) q Wide variety of experiences (literary, direct, vicarious & otherwise) q Wide variety of materials q Invented spelling q Immersion in language q Concepts of print / print conventions (book knowledge, directionality, visual & auditory conventions) q Language learning occurs naturally q Being members of the "literacy club" q Let children choose (plan, do, assess) q Build on children's natural curiosity q Emphasize functional language in authentic settings q Allow for experimentation with language q Environmental print q Story reading (& interactions about) q Emphasis on oral communication & refining q Listening areas q Open discussions vs. I-R-E pattern q Dramatic play (centers) q Creative dramatics (story re-enactments) q Language use throughout day and across subjects q Story sharing (news, show 'n tell, wordless pic. Books) q Repeated readings q Language Experience Approach (individual or whole class) q Sight words (word bank, word wall, high meaning words) q Letter recognition, phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle q Reading centers & Writing centers q Shared book experiences q Predictable or patterned stories (repetition, rhyme, rhythm, patterns, familiar concepts) q Big books q Pretend reading q Authentic writing with invented spelling, dictation, illustration q Invented spelling <> decoding |
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