Comprehension Schema theory (building background & activating schema) Sentence comprehension - punctuation & other convention cues Organizational Patterns (list, sequence, comparison, cause/effect) Expository Text (introductions, heading, summary, questions) Prereading Activate & build schema Set purpose Motivate Predict Aids - anticipation guides, story previews, semantic mapping, writing (personal connection), creative drama During Reading Metacognition (declarative, procedural, & conditional knowledge) Strategy: what, how, when (&why) Monitoring comprehension & repairing Self-questioning Teacher: Modeling, think alouds, guiding questions, cloze Reciprocal teaching (predicting, question generating, summarizing, & clarifying) Postreading Questions: high-level, application, important Visual or dramatic representation, Retelling, Application Comprehension Activities Discussion (probe for elaboration & text support, avoid constant IRE, encourage student-to-student interaction, building on ideas, using other knowledge) Semantic Webbing, Story Grammar / Story Map / Story Schema, Written response Types of Comprehension Literal Interpretive = making inferences, connections, mood, cause/effect, author's purpose, drawing conclusions, fig. lang. recognizing main idea (see BR&R p. 232) Critical = comparing text to standards & drawing conclusions Text = accuracy, effectiveness, appropriateness, timeliness, fact vs. opinion, propaganda, value judgments Author = purpose, pov, style/tone, competence Creative = predicting outcomes, visualizing, solving problems, producing new creations Effective Questioning Prepare! Types: main idea, detail, vocabulary, sequence, story grammar, inference, evaluation, creative response QAR (Question Answer Relationship) Right There, Think & Search, and On My Own |
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