This is how you can become a book reviewer:
1. Accumulate at least 25 posts on the forum and post one book review under the "great reads" sub-forum.
2. Go to the teenlit homepage
3. Click on "Web Guides", then "book Reviews"
4. On the top bar, Click "Book Reviewer Application."
5. Fill it out and you will receive a book shortly.
Katie and Julia
TeenLit Book Review Editors
Last edited by BookReviewEditor : 04-04-2006 at 09:02 PM.
[quote=BookReviewEditor]This is how you can become a book reviewer:
1. Accumulate at least 25 posts on the forum and post one book review under the "great reads" sub-forum.
2. Go to the teenlit homepage
3. Click on "Web Guides"
4. On the top bar, Click "Book Reviews" then Book Reviewer Application
5. Fill it out and you will receive a book shortly.
Katie and Julia
TeenLit Book Review Editors
Last edited by BookReviewEditor : 04-04-2006 at 09:03 PM.
We have new books for review! Please email us at if you are interested in becoming one of our book reviewers. We have limited postage but we would love to have your reviews. Please let us pick a book for you based on your interests since we have so many new books and many get taken before we can send your first choice. Happy Reading!
Your Book Review Editors
Katie and Julia
TeenLit Book Review Editors