Thread: Favorite Music
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:50 PM   #10
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P. Diddy always made me think of old nintendo games. You know, Donkey Kong and his little brother, Diddy Kong.

I got my oldies liking from my dad - he has a huge collection of music, being a musician himself. A lot of it is jazz and blues, but then he had old school punk: Elvis Costello, the Ramones, The Clash...and then some Led Zepplin [which is my favorite, competing with only U2 and Nine Inch Nails - both bands with long runs] And Queen. I like about half the new music on the radio; I was never a hip-hop or rap fan, but I like Black Eyed Peas.

Video game music - mostly from the final fantasies - and electric violin are on my "love" list as well.
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