Thread: Cyber dating
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Old 10-28-2006, 03:21 PM   #10
TeenLit Regular
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Originally Posted by dare2dream319 View Post
I totally agree.. It's desperate, pathetic and pointless. Plus, like how many of those realtionships do u think really work out??
Not many. Yet you see it advertised all the time on t.v. Such as Match. com even Dr. Phill is helping with it. They give off these images of how you can find your soul mate over the internet. But you have to ask yourself is there any difference between finding someone on the internet and finding someone at a local cafe down the street from your house. They both are strangers and have the potential to be percieve as someone there not. There's people that you see walking down the street who can lie about there age , financial history, and their occupation. Its true that people on a regular basis lie about the way they look and can post images of themselves on the computer that do not resemble that person at all. Yet thats the only difference between the two types of dating. The point is either way you decide to go your taking a risk and thats just with a everyday life experience. Even if we are dating someone at the highschool that we go to. There's alot of break ups and somepeople who make up. Someone you date might be nice one minute than turn out to be a total jerk the next minute.
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