Thread: Add-on-Story
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Old 10-13-2006, 05:53 AM   #18
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Dude, I haven't been on teenlit in like ages. lol, eighth grade sucks, the locker rocks...when I can get it open that is.

It had been two days since Simian had seen Daylight, food, or drink. Her body could have taken at least a year more.

As a child her village had taught all willing to learn how to feed their hunger with thoughts, how to trick the mind. She could go for months without anything, heat, food, drink, movement, and certain gases. Had the Solve known of this, he surely would have thought twice about sending her to the pits.

So, deep underground lay Simian, contemplating whether or not she should dig her way out, or play superstar, and break out through the front doors. In her mind it was a very complicated choice, one that deserved to be thought out thoroughly.

The problem with digging is that it took a very long time, but, you had awhile before your captives knew you were gone. Breaking out, on the other hand, didn't give you much to work with besides the fact that you would be known throughout history. That fact outweighed most of the negatives.
Simian stood up as she made up her mind.
“And did she make it out?” She whispered, imaging the century old legend she was about to create.
Tweedledee (To Alice): I know what you're thinking about, but it isn't so, nohow.
Tweedledum: Contrarwise, if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't it ain't

Last edited by Ameerah8 : 10-13-2006 at 05:55 AM.
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