I post to get feedback because I'm embrassed to show it to my mother. She would go beserk pointing out my split infinitives and punctuation errors. And its also cool just to hear what people really think of your story, if they know you personally they might not tell you what they really think, because they don't want to hurt your feelings. But complete strangers are more honest.
And borrowing is a good thing, nobody really notices unless its a name or something. Like C. Paolini borrowed Arya's name from 'The Redemption of Althalus' by D. Eddings.
P.S. If someone is worried about someone stealing their work, they could try writing.com, they copyright everything that is in you portfolio, and right click is disabled.
Remember, only dead fish swim with the stream
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Visit my portfolio at http://writing.com/authors/eragonjunki.