Originally Posted by Cierra
Yeah that's about it though there are actually a lot of extrmely long fanfics. While one-shots (one chapter stories) are popular, I've found many with 50 to 100 chapters. If you're looking to read good fanfiction, stay away from Harry Potter. Most of it is written by little kids who don't have much talent for it, though I'm sure if you search hard enough you might be able to find some good ones. There is fanfiction on just about every story, movie, and tv show out there (though some authors request that their stories not be used). There are also many types of fanfiction: continuation, Alternate Universe, and crossovers just to name a few.
If it wasn't for fanfiction I doubt I ever would have realized I was cut out to be a writer.
Now, don't think that. FictionAlley.org has some extremely great authors. I can tell you one right away, Penelope. (They are great, if you don't mind Hermione/Draco ships)