Thread: Add-on-Story
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Old 11-16-2005, 11:18 PM   #1
Inwe Ringil
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Smile Add-on-Story

I've always liked those stories that people can add onto, but the ones I get in the AG magazine aren't about the stuff I write about and I don't want to write five pages I usually just want to add a pragraph. So, I desided to start an add-on-story.

The Travelers
Keith and Danyl Twain, the two inseprable brothers. Keith with his shaggy ginger hair and icy blue eyes. Danyl's ginger hair was cut in the syle of the marines but was longer on top, he has bright blue eyes. The two were ten months apart, Keith being born on January 28th, Danyl being born on the first of November that year. The two look like ordinary boys, but they aren't. They are part of the secret society known as The Travelers. Keith and Danyl's parents had died seven years ago, when they were seven, in a terrible fire.
Travelers, well, you probably think people who don't stay in one place veyr long. Not true, in this case. Keith and Danyl had been living in a county home since the fire.
They can travel between worlds. There are two worlds that can be inhabited. Keith and Danyl had been born on the more technologically advanced planet, called Earth. The other planet is known as Glenino.
Glenino is where our story begins. Keith and Danyl have different names in Glenino and here they weren't even brothers. Keith's name is Annubi O'Nesse, Danyl's is Seithenin O'Lyon.
Seithenin and Annubi were preparing to go beck to earth, when something told Seithenin that something was extremly wrong.
"Annubi, we have to stay." said Seithenin quietly.
"Why?" asked Annubi.
"Something here is horribly wrong." said Seithenin.
"O, you and your instincts." laughed Annubi, then added seriously, "If somethings wrong here in Glenino, all the more reason to return to Earth.
"Annubi, it's our sworn duty to help people here in Glenino and in Earth." said Seithenin said sternly.
"Alright." Annubi mumbled.

Thats where I stopped. You can add on or comment on what people have already written.
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