TeenLit Community Forums

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-   -   It is almost summer! (https://teenlit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=580)

JEM 04-29-2006 11:54 PM

It is almost summer!
Since it is almost summer, why don't you sign up to be a teenlit book reviewer. If you would like to get books at the price of writing one review per book, you can sign up in the "book reviews" section of the site.

BookReviewEditor 04-30-2006 12:54 AM

Book Review Info...
We would love to have more book reviewers. Here are the instructions:
1. Accumulate at least 25 posts on the forum and post one book review under the "great reads" sub-forum.
2. Go to the teenlit homepage teenlit.com
3. Click on "Web Guides"
4. On the top bar, Click "Book Reviews" then Book Reviewer Application
5. Fill it out and you will receive a book shortly

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