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girlonfire 04-03-2006 05:27 PM

You see, she figured it out not that long ago, whilst she'd delved into one of her soperific moods where she'll ponder little mysteries. Storms...humans are animals...yet we always claim that we don't have these senses that almost every other animal has, they detect changes inthe atmosphere, in electro magnetic fields...you see Loua trained her self a long tiem ago how to feel these movement...like a tide, the sea, moving with moving energy. Thats why she has the nose bleeds. Thats how she knows when storms are coming, its crazy, she knows this. But it's true. She also knows that to. She can feel storms. And now....she can controll them. They move with her like she moves with them. And she's angry...so angry. The sky is about to split...

~swissmochafudge~ 04-04-2006 10:06 AM

Nah...this one was way weaker then the first.


No more to say. I don't really know what went wrong.

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