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~swissmochafudge~ 05-21-2005 02:46 PM

"The Runaway"

Tore me apart.
Serpants togue flickers,
Mrcey! Mercy!

Rainy night.

A truant by the roadside,
Mad man.
Rain in blinding sheets.

A Jester's laugh echoes.
Mocking my misery.

My net is empty,

Stumble to my knees,
Darnkeness too deep.
Cry myself to sleep.

Rain pours down.
Nightmares hoofbeats on the road,
Pass me by.

I am invisible.

Weary I wake,
My net is empty...

Dare I fix it?

Jake251 05-21-2005 02:48 PM

Great Job!!
That is a Great poem!

xXxTigerEyesxXx 05-26-2005 04:01 PM

Yea I agree! I feel the emotions, but the title? What does a runaway have to do with it? Or am I not seeing soething?

~swissmochafudge~ 05-27-2005 09:40 AM

xXxTiger EyesxXx


Ya its ment to be kind of abtract..the title is titled Runaway because its supposed to be about somebody who's run away on a rainy night...etc etc..I do't blame you for not understanding!


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