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crazy1 02-17-2006 02:55 PM

the hidden truth we all know
Hidden truth that we all know
By Levi LaFonte

Since we live in tomorrows past
Why don’t we pull out heads from our @$$
All we do is conform to the mass
On ideas about the grass
No one wants to admit
That many more crave the hit
Than we allow ourselves to see
In a pretend world we wish could be

Ameerah8 02-17-2006 06:15 PM

Whoever Levi Lafonte is, he/she needs to be published. I also like this poem. In my opinion, short poems are more artistic. I remember reading a poem about this guy who hated being human, so he drowned himself, but then he realized he couldn't change what he was, but by then he was dead! I know this has nothing to do with this but when I read this poem thats what I thought of.

crazy1 02-20-2006 07:04 PM

thnx for the comliment scince i am Levi LaFonte
well... thats what it says on my birth certificate any ways:)

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