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crazy1 02-10-2006 12:58 AM

can someone swnser this guestion for me?
ok heres the question


Ameerah8 02-10-2006 06:58 AM

why what? be more exact

luv2smile13212 02-10-2006 10:32 AM

Why is a question that will never be answered. everyone on this planet will ask themselves that and still it will never be fully answered.

crazy1 02-10-2006 11:54 AM

come ppl i know the awnser i just want to see if any one else does

Isis 02-10-2006 03:12 PM

dude, no one has any idea what the hell you're asking them.

crazy1 02-10-2006 04:07 PM

the question is pretty straight forward and the awnser is just as simple you just have to think

JEM 02-10-2006 05:36 PM

Answer = Why not?

crazy1 02-10-2006 05:54 PM

yup it is finelly some one gets it

Ameerah8 02-11-2006 12:31 PM

lol, no comment

~swissmochafudge~ 02-12-2006 06:49 PM

Q: Why?
A: Because.

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