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MrM 05-03-2005 09:27 PM

We're Still Moving Forward!
Just another update :)

We're still working busy behind the scenes to get everything in working order. Over the next few weeks you should see some of these exciting changes :)

Thanks for sticking with us as we transition to our new site!

Jake251 05-10-2005 06:35 PM

How come I filled out a form on here to join the book club and I have received anything yet?

Write back if you have the answer.

MrM 05-16-2005 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jake251
How come I filled out a form on here to join the book club and I have received anything yet?


I'm not sure why. Chances are the form didn't even go through, as the coding is outdated. I don't believe we have a book club right now, but I know we have book reviews and reviewers.

We're working on updating the site :)

Jake251 05-16-2005 12:46 PM

thats the one i signed up for and never got a email. :(

Maddie 09-20-2005 10:03 PM

Sorry to hear that :( Good luck though

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