View Full Version : LOL, I'm very surprised that I'm the first one to say it.... (May be Spoiler)

07-23-2005, 01:22 AM
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was a great read, albeit a tragic one at some points. Rowling's still got it, I finished the thing in a day and a half (Read all day, then read 'till 4:30am at night). Couldn't put the damn thing down!

Anyways, as I said, I'm surprised I'm the first to say it....

Peace Out!
Zachy :D

Vennila X Vana
08-06-2005, 06:25 PM
I think she's doing good with writing a book to appease all sorts of people [an age groups] but as a writer, I don't think she's anything really extraordinary. The sixth book had a lot of scenes where it just seemed really forced, but I gotta say, she sure knows how to keep us coming back for more!

08-12-2005, 08:09 AM
I am a very avid reader, but I could never quite get through Harry Potter successfully. I tried to read it but could not make myself go on. :D
My fave books are the classical novels (brontes, austen, lawrence, hardy)
I'm a newbie so I thought you should know =) :cool:

I'm very pleased to get to know all of you! :)

08-12-2005, 01:22 PM
I agree with Vennila X Vana, a lot of the book seems forced. I found the book very predictable. My brother read the book first, and I asked him about if certain scenes would occur and I was 9/10 correct. I thought the purpose of this book was to lead the reader to the 7th book. I would suggest this book to someone who read the first 5 books, but not someone new to the series.

Vennila X Vana
08-12-2005, 02:46 PM
I am a very avid reader, but I could never quite get through Harry Potter successfully. I tried to read it but could not make myself go on. :D
My fave books are the classical novels (brontes, austen, lawrence, hardy)
I'm a newbie so I thought you should know =) :cool:

I'm very pleased to get to know all of you! :)

My kind of reader! Have you read any Tolstoy?

08-14-2005, 03:51 PM
I think she's doing good with writing a book to appease all sorts of people [an age groups] but as a writer, I don't think she's anything really extraordinary. The sixth book had a lot of scenes where it just seemed really forced, but I gotta say, she sure knows how to keep us coming back for more!
It is sort of wierd that such a mediocer writter can write a series thats so popular. I think the 6th book was decent and the harry potter series remains the only fantasy books i can get through, despite my friends' attempts to push the LOTR series on me.

Vennila X Vana
08-14-2005, 08:32 PM
haha fantasy. You know something for some reason I never associated Harry Potter with that genre until now. How my brain [does not] work(s). You know a fantasy series I really liked was the one by Robert Jordan. Although I have not ploughed through it's breadth, what I've read I've adored.

And were you laced with sarcasm there mister, saying that me calling her a mediocore writer was in your opinion wrong justified by the fact that she is in fact a most sumptous woman now? Or am I just paranoid and too used to my own [lame] sarcastic wit.

08-14-2005, 09:02 PM
Normally I'm also full of sarcasm but my last comment was completly literal. My friends and I have had many discussions about JK Rowling's not so great writting skills yet there we are in line at midnight to get the latest book.

Vennila X Vana
08-14-2005, 09:17 PM
Yeah I didn't want that to sound accusing, it's so hard to tell online if people are sarcastic or not.

You were in line at midnight too!? haha my dad really wanted to so we invited my boyfriend along and being with him it was naturally a good time. Plus Barnes & Noble made a big event out of it with games and prizes and other such nonsense. The next night I stayed up all night with my friend Chris to read it. We argued incessantly afterwards and declared it a horrible book, but stayed up until 2 reading it. [and then watched Kill Bill.] That's just how Harry Potter is. Love to Hate.

08-14-2005, 09:21 PM
I actually wasn't aloud to wait for the midnight realease. My friends and I had spent the day at Connitcon and wanted to stay for the book but because of my cerfew they were forced to go to walmart at midnight while I had to go the next day:(

Vennila X Vana
08-14-2005, 09:27 PM
You got to go to Connecticon!? Luckeh Duckeh. I really want to go to Vericon coming up soon since it's nearby in Harvard. It'll be my first con :D I supported them when I heard about all the loss-age of money and other such sad-eties.

There wasn't actually a "line" at Barnes and Noble. When you walked in you got a wristband with a number and at midnight they would call out numbers and you could go get your book. If you're ever going to wait in line till midnight for something though, drag the boyfriend or your best friend. It's just not as much fun without it.

08-14-2005, 09:30 PM
Connecticon was actually a big disapointment. There were very few events just alot of rooms showing animae you could easily get as home. Seeing everyone in custom was worth the admission fee, however.

Vennila X Vana
08-14-2005, 09:33 PM
Did you wear a costume?

Well the thing with me is, I want to go to cons to meet my favorite Web Comic authors. Anime really isn't my thing anymore.

Do you think you'll go to Vericon?

08-14-2005, 09:42 PM
I started out really ambitious with plans to make an elaborate custom then i remembered......I can't sew:p .It took enough begging to get to go to connecticon so I don't really think vericon is a possibilty. I hope you get to go though!

08-16-2005, 05:43 AM
Nope, I have never read any Tolstoy, are the books good? I'll try and find that author on the bookshelf and get one and see for myself:)

Vennila X Vana
08-16-2005, 01:59 PM
He wrote War and Peace you know? The one I like is Anna Karenina, it's kind of a heavy read but I think [from what little I know of you] you might like it.

08-16-2005, 05:37 PM
Whats Anna Karenina about?

08-16-2005, 06:33 PM
This book is about a women named Anna who is in a marriage that she doesn't like. So she tries to run away with a handsome man. The setting is in the 1800's in Russia. This is considered by some to be the best book written of all time.

That is what my minute and a half of research told me.

08-16-2005, 06:38 PM
I will definitely get my hands on the book! :) :) :)

09-22-2005, 12:54 AM
I love the minute and a half research extravaganzas

09-29-2005, 09:37 AM
I'm a massive fan, I have to admit, and I get why some people criticise it (though I can't fault it) HBP was definitely the worst in terms of writing, but I think there's so much stuff for the poor woman to get through, she made an excellent job. I think the reason she's so successful is that her writing flows really well, even though the description is a bit lacking. She doesn't do that whole description-that-you-can-see-unfolding-in-your-head thing.

I was a midnight queuer though! And I finished it by 5pm the next day. I ruined my eyes reading Order Of The Phoenix, so that was pacing myself a bit.