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  1. Hi
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  4. The Time Traveler's Wife
  5. Summer Reading
  6. Favorite Book
  7. The Chronicles of Narnia
  8. Favorite Author
  9. In-school Reading
  10. book to movie (this is a runoff from the narnia thread)
  11. Favorite Series
  12. What's your favorite genre?
  13. Favorite Character
  14. What is your favorite HP book?
  15. Anybody From the US Want A Free Book?
  16. Favorite Book Ever?
  17. What are you reading right now?
  18. Book of the Month Discussion
  19. Any Robert Cormier fans here??
  20. Book Reviews!
  21. Predictions for the 7th Harry Potter Book
  22. Predictions for the Inheritence Triology
  23. Books that make you teary
  24. Beach Reads
  25. Who do you think R.A.B. is in HBP???
  26. Do you think Dumbledore is gone 4 good?(HBP)
  27. Did anyone else hear this??
  28. what about harry potter romance?
  29. How did Dudley get a Playstion in 94???
  30. Why don't they go back in the past and beat LV?
  31. Revived Character
  32. good book recommendations??
  33. A great an terriable beauty becomes a movie?!
  34. Evergreen Academy a book
  35. Favorite Authors
  36. Jane Eyre
  37. the Alist The Clique AND Gossip girl
  38. Eragon Movie Disscussion
  39. Phantom of the Opera
  40. Inspired.
  41. Summer Reading
  42. Classic Lit
  43. Scariest Book??
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