TeenLit.com Consent Form

 TeenLit.com is a World Wide Web site dedicated to promoting teen literacy by providing:  1)  publication of teen writing; 2)  an online bulletin board for teen writers; 3)  writer's workshop;  4) cool teen links; 5)  teacher resources; 6)  book shop; and, 7)  and an eWeb site (available only to select members).

Research  on TeenLit.com hopes to benefit the educational community by exploring how such a World Wide Web site might best benefit adolescent writers as an authentic publishing forum and discourse community.

The research being conducted on TeenLit.com focuses on three questions:

     1.  How does TeenLit.com provide or support authentic function(s) and audience for publishing adolescent writing?

     2.  How does TeenLit.com function as a discourse community of adolescent writers?

     3.  What lessons of literacy do adolescent participants gain from publication on the World Wide Web and membership in an online discourse community?

 This study is expected to last from September 15, 1999, to January 15, 2000.

 Data collected for this research includes:

·         Anonymous counts of visitors to TeenLit.com and its separate web pages

·         Non-identifiable voluntary electronic mailing list sorted by roles and used for the mailing of TeenLit.com newsletters.  This list is never made public or shared.

·         Postings to the Teen Writers Discussion bulletin board, as submitted

·         Submitted writings and included demographic information as supplied in the Submission Form.  If published, these works are identified only by the author's first name, location (city/state/province/country), grade level and "About the Author" information as submitted

·         All electronic mail sent to or from any address @TeenLit.com

·         All eWeb communications including electronic mail, bulletin board & forum postings, and chat dialog.

This research poses no risk or discomfort to its participants in any way as it involves only the observation of participation.

All records identifying participants will be kept strictly confidential by the researcher.  All participants' identities will be protected with pseudonyms in any public or printed publications of this research.

Participation on TeenLit.com and its subsequent research is strictly voluntary.  Participants may refuse to participate or discontinue participation at any time with no penalty or loss of benefits.  At any time, participants may request removal by completing the form at https://teenlit.com/optout.htm or contacting the  

For answers questions involving the research and research subject's rights, please contact or phone Marcella Kehus at (248) 370-4231, extension 1605, or write to Marcella J. Kehus, Department of Reading and Language Arts, Oakland University, 472 O'Dowd, Rochester, MI  48309-4494

Print 2 copies of the above Consent Form.  Keep one copy for your records.
Complete and sign (along with a parent) the Consent Form and 

mail to:

Marcella J. Kehus, Department of Reading and Language Arts, Oakland University, 472 O'Dowd, Rochester, MI  48309-4494


  I, ______________________________ (print parent's name), do hereby give my consent 


for my child,  ______________________________(print child's name), 


to participate on TeenLit.com and for this participation to be documented for  research purposes.

Participant Signature

Parent Signature




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