Swales (1990), Discourse Community
Wenger (1999), Community of Practice
Rheingold (1993), Virtual Community
TeenLit's eWeb, "Submissions Forum"
broadly agreed set of common public goals
Mutual engagement
Common purpose was to accept or reject submissions and give feedback
mechanisms of intercommunication among its members
Mutual engagement: Enabling engagement, Shared repertoire, Joint enterprise: Negotiated enterprise
2. carry on those public discussions
Teen Writers Discussion bulletin board, eWeb bulletin board, eWeb forums, eWeb chat, Mail to Group, individual email aliases
i.e. "Submissions Forum"
threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise
Mutual engagement: Diversity and partiality
1. enough people
5 core participants, 9 periphery participants, 10 non-participants
Issues of power, dominance, and extinction
role of facilitator |
utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims
Shared repertoire
"Teen Editorial Board" response to submissions as a group genre
Shared repertoire: Values
Values (i.e. dislike rhyme, appreciate originality, etc.)
3. long enough
Six-month study
Joint enterprise: Mutual Accountability
4. with sufficient human feeling
Feelings in individual replies as part of tone negotiation and feedback
Group identity
Members tried to get other members more active
Mutual engagement: Mutual relationships
5. to form webs of personal relationships in cyberspace
See Sociograms (Figure 12) for connections and referents as signs of personal relationships
uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback
Joint enterprise: Negotiated enterprise
Used "Submissions Forum" to give feedback and information to submissions and to each other
acquired some specific lexis
Joint Enterprise: Indigenous enterprise, Shared repertoire: symbols, gestures
Emoting from the larger World Wide Web contest
Unique language included specialized subject lines and loaded words