Memoir Rubric Name _________________________
Presentation (20) ____
Neatness, effort, originality, decor
Mechanics (20) ____
Spelling (+ homophones) ____errors
Correct sentences (____ fragments, ____ run-ons, ____comma splices)
Variety of sentences (give an example sentence from your project & include the year)
Simple -
Compound -
Complex -
Content (Artifacts & Writing) (10) ____
___ years of artifacts & paragraphs
Content Revision (50) (for each of the revisions below, tell which year is your best example) ____
____ Lead (opening sentence(s))
____ Binoculars (focus on concrete details)
____ Snapshot (picture with words)
____ Thoughshot (inside character's head)
____ Explode a moment (slow motion)
____ Shrink time (collapse a year)
____ Scene (dialog + snapshot + thoughtshot)
[____ Poem (optional)]
Final Memoir Project Grade (100) _____