"The best writers are also avid readers. "

Book Reviewers Needed!

HELP!  Data loss...  Our systems went down and lost data (, book review applications, and mailing list additions between 10/16/02 and 11/17/02 including earlier submissions of these.  If you have not received a response to one of the above, please re-apply or re-submit using links above.

Both publishers and writers, such as Random House,Candlewick Press, and various other independent publishers as well as individual writers have already started sending us copies of their latest releases. We would like to send these books to a new group of our own "Book Reviewers" who would be willing to read and write up a review within a month or so. And the Book Reviewer gets to keep the book. Pretty cool, huh? 

Check out our current selection of possible books waiting for review.

We imagine as this idea catches on, the Book Reviewers will have their own section of the TeenLit web and other publishers will also join in sending us free copies to distribute to the "Book Reviewers." There is also a public forum on our EZ Board for "Book Reviewers." In joining our group, please volunteer by completing the online application.